Grammar: Lexis:
Unit 2: - Verb to be - Parts of the body (affirmative/negative/questions & short answers) - Occupations
- Possessive Adjectives - Sports
- Adjectives (physical characteristics & personality)
- Titles
Unit 3: - Demonstrative pronouns - School and Personal objects
- Indefinite articles
- Possessive ‘s
- Let’s + verb
- Conjunctions: and & but
Unit 4: - There is/are - School and neighborhood facilities
(affirmative/negative/questions & short answers) - Numbers 20 to 50
- Where is/are…?
- Prepositions of place
- Question word: How many
- Any/no/none
Grammar: Lexis:
Unit 2: - Question word: Where - Rooms in the house & Furniture
- Prepositions of place: in & at - House chores
- Present continuous - Types of TV programs
(affirmative/negative/questions & short answers)
- Present Continuous x Present Simple
Unit 3: - Question Word: When - Ordinal numbers
- Prepositions of time: in/at/on - Clothing items & accessories
- How about…?/What about…? + nouns (-ing) - Numbers: 1 to 999
- How much…? + singular and plural - Currencies
- Different stores
Unit 4: - Countable & Uncountable nouns - Food Items
- Some & any - Junk food
- Quantifiers - Adjectives
- Many vs. much - Animals we eat
- I’d like & Can I have…? - Sizes: small, medium & large
- Some with offers
Grammar: Lexis:
Unit 2: - Past Continuous - Charity related words
(affirmative/negative/questions & short answers) - Action words
- Past continuous vs. Past Simple - Prom related words
Unit 3: - Gerunds - Animal & adjectives
- Comparatives 1: more + adjective + than - Adjective-noun collocations
- Comparatives 2: -er + than
- Irregular comparatives: good & bad
Unit 4: - Superlatives 1: the most + adjective - Animals & creatures
- Superlatives 2: the adjective + -est - Geographical features
- Can’t for prohibition - The new seven wonders of the
- Obligation & no obligation: have to, don’t have - Pet care related words
To & don’t need to - Adjectives
- Irregular plurals
- How often…? Once, twice…
Grammar: Lexis:
Unit 2: - Present perfect for recent actions - Exclamations
- Present perfect with already & yet - Everyday objects
- Present perfect with just - In the news: verb + noun collocations
- Tense review - Newspaper sections
Unit 3: - Adverbs of manner - Adverbs
- Comparative form of adverbs -Teen types
- Used to - Clothes
(affirmative/negative/interrogative) - Household appliances
Unit 4: - Present perfect with for and since - Work places
- How long + Present perfect - Jobs
- Not as…as - Adjectives for describing jobs
- Adjectives + prepositions + noun/-ing
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