Unit 3
- Demonstrative Pronouns: This/that/these/those
- Indefinite articles: a/an
- Possessive’s
- Let’s + verb
- Conjunctions: and & but
School and Personal Objects
Unit 4
- There is /are (affirmative,
negative, questions & short answers)
- Where is/are
- Prepositions of place
- Any & no
- How many
- School & neighborhood
- Numbers 20 - 50
6ª série
Unit 2 – Lessons 3 & 4
- Present Continuous (affirmative,
negative, questions & short answers)
- Present Continuous x Present
- Household chores
- Types of TV programs
Unit 3
- When
- Prepositions of time: in, at &
-How about/What about + nouns (-ing)
- How much
- Multi-words verbs
- Ordinal numbers
- Clothing items & accessories
- Numbers 1 – 999
- Stores
Unit 4 – Lessons 1 & 2
- Countable and Uncountable nouns
- Some/any
- Quantifiers: many, much, a lot,
quite a lot, not much & not any
- Food items
7ª série
Unit 2 – Lessons 3 & 4
- When/ While
- Past Continuous x Past Simple
- Action words
Unit 3
- Gerunds
- Comparatives
- Animals & adjectives
Unit 4 – Lessons 1 & 2
- Superlatives
- Animals
- Geographical features
8ª série
Unit 2
- Present Perfect with already & yet
- Present Perfect with just
- Present Perfect x Past Simple
- Household tasks
- Everyday objects
Unit 3
- Adverbs of manner
- Comparative form of adverbs
- Used to (affirmative, negative,
- Household appliances
Unit 4 – Lessons 1 & 2
- Present Perfect with for &
- How long + present perfect
- Work places & jobs.
6ª SÉRIE :
- Sujeito
- Tipos de sujeito: simples,composto,desinencial.
- Predicado
- Advérbio
- Locuçaõ Advérbial
- Estrelas tortas.
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