quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011

Conteúdo de Inglês I PROVA PARCIAL - ( IV UNIDADE) Profª. CAROL - (Dia 27/10/2011)

Conteúdo de Inglês I PROVA PARCIAL - ( IV UNIDADE) Profª. CAROL - (Dia 27/10/2011)
. 5th Grade Units 6-7
- Vocabulary: weather, Food
-Grammar: Countable/uncountable
plural and singular /like and dislikes

. 6th Grade: Units 1-2
-Vocabulary: personality adjetives
job tittles
-Grammar: that/who

.7th Grade: Units 8-9
-Grammar: Present perfect / Used to

.8th Grade: Passive voice and Active Voice
Tag Questions

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